Fall 2002. Reflections on a the year after Sep 11, short history on US involvement in the Middle East, lots of talk about Bush and his determination to go to war, and some great made up (or is it?) dialog between Bush and Dick. Also, a funny clip-art page about election day. <br />
This pleasant issue is subtitled “Christmas body count”, in reference to the deaths in Iraq, and elsewhere, I suppose. Oddly enough, this issue also has a Dr. Suess theme. Yes, you heard me right. JGQ, which is one of the few zines out there dealing with SERIOUS FUCKING TOPICS, has added a touch of Cat in the Hat this time around. You still get all the depressing facts and figures, and you still get the witty political humor, but this time around it is delivered via four line phrases, rhyming of course, and lots of Dr. Suess illustrations. Brilliant. Full size, 20 pages. <br />
A collection of inspirational "gospel poetry" by a Christian performance poet, designed to "impact children and young adults by delivering powerful spoken word that was also spiritually based."<br />