Fran Dobbs

Consider The Sauce

Catalog Number: 
Book, Sams
"Friends suggested numerous ideas for this year's book. I favored "sauces" for the simple reason that in most forms of cookery and eating, the sauce is the making of the dish whether it be Hungarian, French, English or just plain American food, But I wondered about the origin of the word. I found the expression, "To earn one's salt," had deep meaning in the days before refrigeration when salt was the chief means of keeping meat from spoiling. Things preserved with salt were "salsa," a Latin term whence came the English interpretation, "sauce," and "saucy." Many other words came out of this interesting beginning. "Saucy" is even used to express ideas and manners. Fran Dobbs, my associate for more years than she cares to admit, and a fine cook in her own right, liked the idea and when she obligingly offered to the research this past summer in her new home at Pentwater, Michigan, how could I resist? So for this year's greeting, you have "Consider The Sauce." I hope it will prove to be a good and helpful book. Use it often and you will come to prize it. Barbara, Penny, Tom, Tim and David join once again in wishing you and yours a most Merry, Merry Christmas and a Happy, Happy New Year." Howard Waldemar Sams Christmas 1957
family produced cookbook of sauce recipes