A history of Chicago political upheaval in 1968 during the Democratic National Convention and riots. Includes a timeline and index of important contributors.
Newsletter of the Green Lantern Gallery & Press, highlighting upcoming & recent events and the philosophy of alternative art spaces. Words and art from current exhibitions at the Green Lantern Gallery, artist and curatorial statements, upcoming events, guest pieces from other "culture workers," as well as text pieces based loosely around the theme of the current exhibition in collaboration with the artist.
A sort-of-newsletter from Chicago's Green Lantern Gallery & Press, a slightly intentionally disjointed collection of news, events, and general ruminations.
No date on the zine itself, but the inside back cover features a list of events for the week of 2-23-07 -- 3-4-07.
Author's personal stories about childhood, growing up, overcoming extremely traumatic events, and becoming a parent.
There's no date on the actual zine, but the author mentions getting a driver's license in 2003 after overcoming a phobia of driving, and other stories are about going on a road trip in her car (an '86 hearse, btw) which would have had to have been sometime between then and now, so I just guessed 2005.