Arts, culture, politics and other items of local and general interest. Music reviews, art, fashion, many random interviews between various Chicago scene people.
"Broadly speaking, Bush and his posse haveb been really good for creating a global surrealist movement. This mafia has a real talent for transforming personal headspace, for challenging our whole notions of truth and reality. We're dedicating this issue to this evil sense of psychological psychedelia and a radically detached personal point of view."
A defiantly "amateur: newspaper that seeks to inform on what's happening, what isn't and what should be, featuring a broad range of contributors and topics.
In this issue: News on the Circle Line, HIV Testing, Grocery shopping in Pilsen rated, photos from Alaska, Chicago winters in the context of Sir Walter Scott's Antarctic journey, owning and borrowing cars, Pluto gets demoted from a planet, and interview with Andy van Slyke, analyzing baseball data using Pyhtagorean differentials, the Apocalypse according to the Mayan Calendar, paper consumption, including lyrics with liner notes, and predicting the future using old Science Fiction books, including robots and artificial intelligence.
Terry Plumming, published in Chicago, contains graphic work of a more "my roommate just gave me a whole ton of meth and now I think the walls are made of armpits" style. The jaggy drawings and contorted slogans that pack each page compliment the accompanying CD. Quite often a Terry Plumming CD makes me feel as if I'm hosting a seance through an AM radio and channeling the best of the noise tape-trading scene. Vital to the hope of any futher human mutation.