Read/Write Library Catalog

Title Contributors (first 10, click title for more) Subjects
Book Your Own Fuckin' Life Jason Mojica, Melanie Walski, Pat Loboyko, Tim, Mike McKee, Paul Koob, Jim Milak, Kammi Swift, Michelle Belacic Documentation, Food, Music, Nonfiction, Travel
These Are The Breaks Idris Goodwin Fiction, Music, Nonfiction, Personal, Sociology
Dancing with the Ancestors Kwame Lynn Pitts, C. J. Laity, Wayne Allen Jones, Robert Pitts, Israel Pitts Poetry
The Courtroom Artist Residency Report Marc Fischer, Peggy Pierrot, Wes Janz, Salem Collo-Julin, Dmitry Samarov Art, Current Events, Politics, Sociology
The Meal-Based Artist Residency Program Marc Fischer, Mairead Case, Scott J. Hunter, Grace Ambrose, Dushko Petrovich, Lisa Anne Auerbach, Nathan Pearce, Damon Rich, Andy Sturdevant, Irene Tsatsos Art, Food, Nonfiction, Personal, Philosophy, Sociology
Rust Belt Chicago: An Anthology Martha Bayne, Sonya Huber, Kevin Coval, Iris Orpi, Britt Julious, Kelly O'Connor McNees, Kelly Hogan, Rob Miller, Zoe Zolbrod, Andrew Hertzberg History, Nonfiction, Personal, Sociology
Grandpa and the Library - How Charles White Learned to Paint C. Ian White, Charles White, Howard University Gallery of Art, Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Regional Library, Blanton Museum of Art, The Art Institute of Chicago, The Museum of Modern Art Archives, The Charles White Archives, Natalja Kent, Milli Aplegren Art, History, Nonfiction
L'il Tuffy and His Friends - Sus Amigos Jean Pajot Smith, Angela Rojas Dedenbach Fiction
Nick Cave Soundsuits Nick Cave, Lanny Silverman, Dr. James H. Sanders III Art, Fashion
Afrosurreal Manifesto - Black is the new Black D. Scott Miller, Clifton Meador, April Sheridan, Krista Franklin Politics, Sociology
