"You hold in your hands an odd collection of stories from emerging writers that are scattered around the various and sundry neighborhoods of Chicago. There's not theme, no running gag. In this issue post-apocalypse sits side-by-side with prison rape, fruity manifestos clash with good old fashioned action star badassery."
Date surmised from dates in the zine, along with dates from later issues. Abstract taken from foreward.
"I have a confession to make. The truth is that there are no swordfighting squirrels to be found here. I know, I know, I deliberately misinformed you, hoping to lure you into purchasing (or stealing) my magazine, What you will find is a collection of stories, illustrations and comics from local writers and artists. A lot of hard work went into this, but not as much as I'd like you to think. Enjoy!"
Estimated the date based on dates within the publication and subsequent issues. Abstract taken from foreward.